
Tourist Attractions and Experiences

Mizumadera Temple

Mizumadera is an ancient temple, and widely known for its Yaku-yoke Kannon statue, said to ward off misfortune. It is also renowned as the fourth holy site on the new Western Japan Pilgrimage, and is the 12th holy site on the Shinbutsu Reijo Buddhist and Shinto pilgrimage. Furthermore, it is the 26th holy site of the Izumi Saikoku 33 holy sites.

History holds that Mizumadera was constructed in 744 by the renowned historical priest Gyoki on orders from Japan's 45th emperor. At its peak, it was a massive temple that included seven buildings.That structure was lost to fire in 1585 at the hands of historical leader Hideyoshi Toyotomi. The current main hall was reconstructed in 1811. The principal object of worship enshrined here is the "Yaku-yoke Kannon" that wards off misfortune, and is popularly revered among followers. The temple holds a traditional event known as Senbon Mochi-tsuki or "thousand-arm mochi rice cake making." The principal image of Kannon is said to have appeared to Gyoki when he first found the location, guided by 16 children. To celebrate the event, he sang with the children and made mochi rice cakes, which were then offered to the image in an act that formed the foundations of the tradition.
