Made In Osaka

Located at the confluence of a vast web of busy river and sea routes, Osaka has long been a vibrant commercial hub. It's no surprise then that many of the world's most recognizable brands can trace their history back to this ancient city. Two of Japan's leading beverage companies, Asahi Breweries and Suntory, were both founded in Osaka in the 1800s. In the 1920s, the art of making incredibly life like food models was popularized by the Osaka-based company Iwasaki. And in 1958, instant ramen was invented by Osaka resident Momofuku Ando.
Anybody interested in learning how these iconic products grew from humble beginnings to enter the world stage can tour the Asahi Brewery in Suita the Suntory distillery in Yamazaki and the Momofuku Ando Instant Ramen Museum in Ikeda, or try their hand at making plastic food at a real working factory.